Druzyna projektowa Finnabair oraz kilka slow prywaty
Hello there,
I am over the moon and so happy that I can share with you my huge news !
I am gonna be part of Finnabair Creative Team - a Dream Team for me.
Mam wielka przyjemnosc podzielic sie z Wami wspaniala wiadomoscia.
Dolaczylam do pierwszego kreatywnego zespolu projtkowego Finnabair czyli Ani Dabrowskiej.
Finnabair herself as a person and her art were my huge life inspiration.
Finnabair zarowno jako osoba a takze jej kreacje artystyczne byly ogromna moja inspiracja.
I remember seeing her art for the first time exactly two years ago... Her art was a pusher to think differently, to discover myslef. As a begginer I could not really understand her work, didn't know what layout means or journal page, what sort of materials she was using but for many reasons I was amazed and glued to the computer screen when I was admiring her work. Back then I was at the beggining of my art journey and still only discovering the cardmaking side of crafting world.
Pamietam gdy zobaczylam jej prace po raz pierwszy dwa lata temu... Jej sztuka byla motorem do innego myslenia, do odkrycia samej siebie. Jako poczatkujaca osoba nie do konca potrafilam zrozumiec jej sztuke, jeszcze wtedy nie wiedzialam co oznacza scrap czy kartka z dziennika, jakich materialow uzywa... ale juz wtedy bylo wiele powodow dla ktorych bylam przyklejona do komputera i zniewolona podziwiajac jej tworczosc. Wtedy bylam na poczatku mojej drogi... nadal odkrywajac tajniki robienia kartek okolicznosciowych.
In this occasional I must mention two very special ladies. My true internet friends who saw my work and said to me some time ago: 'you must go out there and share your art, your pieces are special' - that was Misty from America and Cathi from Ireland. Both of them were encouraging me and believe in me (till now I don't know why they did it :) . They are part of my art journey and a huge thank to them for pushing me where I am now.
They know why I mentioned them. They know that this was my huge dream.
It's an amazing honour to be part of Finn's team.
Przy tej okazji musze wspomniec o dwoch cudnych osobach. Moje prawdziwe acz internetowe przyjaciolki jakis czas temu powiedzialy: 'musisz sie pokazac swiatu, Twoje prace sa szczegolne' - to byla Misty z Ameryki oraz Cathi z Irlandii. Obie mnie wspieraly i we mnie wierzyly (nadal nie wiem dlaczego :). Sa one czescia mojej podrozy kreatywnej i chcialam wreszcie podziekowac za popychanie mnie w miejsce, w ktorym jestem dzis.
I was the lucky one to be part of one of Finn's amazing workshops. I have learned so much and I have enjoyed it even more. Inspirational, emotional and very creative time. Here is a piece made on that workshop, it's still one of my favourites.
I remeber I looked at the bare photo of my daughter and I said gosh, where will I put the flowers ? My artistic mind was not there, I couldn't see it... Finn helped, suggested the crown... which was just perfect. I think that was the moments when I thought... wow think outside the box ! Use your artistic imagination. And I do it till now ;)
Bylam szczesciara bo udalo mi sie wziasc udzial w jednych z warsztatow Finn. Tak wiele sie nauczylam a jeszcze bardziej bo tak cudnie spedzilam tam czas. Inspirujaco, emocjonalnie oraz kreatywnie. Oto praca z owych warsztatow nadal jedna z moich ulubionych.
Pamietam gdy spojrzalam na nieozdobione jeszcze zdjecie mojego dziecka i powiedzialam jeny, gdzie ja mam te kwiatki dac ? Moj artystyczny umysl byl nieobecny... nic nie przychodzilo mi do glowy... Finn zasugerowala korone kwiatowa i to byl strzal w dziesiatke. To wlasnie tamten moment pamietam szczegolnie gdy pomyslalam... mysl inaczej ! Uzyj swojej wyobrazni.
Tak wlasnie robie to az do teraz ;)
Here are few of my creations that were inspired by Finnabair and were created in the past months.
A oto kilka prac ktorych inspiracja byla wlasnie Finnabair. Powstaly w ostatnich kilku miesiacach.

And the whole team ;) here you can read more about them all :)
I cala druzyna ;) tu mozecie przeczytac wiecej na jej temat :)
Love, Marta xx
Congratulations!! What awesome news, and looking forward to seeing more.
OdpowiedzUsuńThank you so much for your super kind words and for stopping by. :) xx
UsuńSuper Marta! Podskakuje razem z toba!!!:) nie moge sie juz doczekac nowych projektow!xoxo
OdpowiedzUsuńDziekuje Ci pieknie :) xx
UsuńBardzo przyjemnie się czyta tego posta :)
OdpowiedzUsuńDziekuje :)
UsuńCongratulations Martha...so happy for you. Looking forward to see your gorgeous creations. Hugs xx
OdpowiedzUsuńHuge huge huge congrats!
OdpowiedzUsuńGratuluję. Zasłużyłaś sobie ;)
OdpowiedzUsuńJeszcze raz ogromnie gratulacje Marta :-)
OdpowiedzUsuńJesteś właściwą osobą we właściwym miejscu!
Nie mogę się doczekać Twoich inspiracji :-)
So pleased for you, and so surprised to see my name there, of course I am going to encourage you!! Your work inspires me!! Congratulations my friend on your big dream!!
OdpowiedzUsuńOh Marta, I am over the moon, delighted for you! I have had the pleasure & honour to meet you quite recently. In that short time, I have been in total awe of your wonderful, inspiring, creations. I know I still have so much to see of your pieces, above are a small glimpse! I can tell you why Misty & Cathi encourage & support you! They see what I see.. unique & special qualities both with creativity & also as a person.That, I have experienced for myself already!! You are living your dream. Wow!
OdpowiedzUsuńHUGE CONGRATIONS from little ol' me...😃
Thank you so much :) you are a star !!!
Usuń*HUGE CONGRATULATIONS is what it should say. Excuse other typos...😕
OdpowiedzUsuńCongratulations Marta and I wish you all the best in your new mission of inspiration and creativity! You are very talented and I think you truly deserve it! I watch your work and you are amazing, so... keep going for more!!!
OdpowiedzUsuńYou know how to make a girls day! You are such an inspiration to so many, and not just because of your gorgeous art but because of your huge heart as well. You have been an encouragement and inspiration to me from the beginning and I appreciate our friendship so much!
OdpowiedzUsuńCongratulations, you will be an amazing addition to the their team!
OdpowiedzUsuńcongrats Marta looking forward to seeing your projects Love Finnabair too
OdpowiedzUsuńCongrats Marta....they are surely honoured to have you too! Your work is really amazing and you are a fabulous creator!!!! Enjoy it all and I look forward to seeing all your beautiful creations! x