Scrap Africa DT - Mapka wyzwanie Kwiecien
A very good morning !
Bardzo dzien dobry !
Are you looking for some fun ? Don't look any further.
I have a some great challenge for you.
Poszukujesz zabawy ? Mozesz zakonczyc poszukiwania. Mam dla Ciebie fajne wyzwanie.
On Scrap Africa blog there is new April challenge. You need to create a layout based on sketch prepared by Scrap Africa. You have two weeks to create :)
Na blogu Scrap Africa mozesz odnalezc nowe kwietniowe wyzwanie. Musisz stworzyc layout (uklad na kartce 12x12) bazujacy na mapce i masz na to dwa tygodnie :)
I have a pleasure to be part of their design team so here is my interpretation and inspiration for you ;)
Ja mam wielka przyjemnosc byc czlonkiem zespolu, tak wiec zerknijcie prosze na moja interpretacje oraz inspiracje dla was ;)
Some close-ups:
Here is the challenge sketch:

I hope you will join the challenge and have some fun ;) prizes up for grabs.
Have a great day.
Marta xx
Marta this is sooooo amazing and beautiful! So so love this page! Love how you put this together and the beautiful colours, along with your photo that pops! Your work is stunning and I am so thrilled that you are part of the team! xx
OdpowiedzUsuńOh how adorable! The photo melts my heart! Your take on the sketch is beautiful!
OdpowiedzUsuńThis is gorgeous Marta. I love the colours and the inking on the edges really makes the little squares pop. A beautiful photo too. Just gorgeous.
OdpowiedzUsuńSooo stunning LO and cute picture !! I LOVE !