
wtorek, 23 grudnia 2014

My canvases that were never published - Marta Lapkowska

Hello there,
Recently I realized that there is plenty works that were never blogged.
I decided to put all of thos works in one blog post.
I hope you will enjoy those creations.

Thank you,
Marta xx

7 komentarzy:

  1. They're all very beautiful. I admire your work. Don't stop showing us your art work. You're very inspiring. Happy New Year to you and your family. Thanks for sharing, Johanne Lacombe

  2. Gorgeous Marta.. Such beautiful pieces you share.. Happy New Year!

  3. Oh yes, very beautiful work! You're my inspiration ❤️

  4. niektóre widziałam a inne nie i tak sobie lecę od góry i doprawdy nie wiem co podoba mi sie najbardziej, wszystkie są świetne, jesteś niesamowita! a tak na marginesie co Ty robisz z tymi wszystkimi pracami? bo przecież nie sposób to wszystko wieszać, stawiać, przechowywać :)

  5. Beautiful work always! I love all these colors and techniques, well done!

  6. Wow amazing work but all your creations are!!! Thank you for sharing Marta! xx
